Monday 6 April 2009


I recently read this article and was pondering whether i believe if it is true or not. I know that humans are very easily persuaded and many are followers because it is easier to follow than lead. But i have to ask myself, if a friend of mine killed themselves would i really do the same thing? They say that suicide is a cowards way out but my god i cannot agree with that for a second. It takes some guts, even when i have been what felt like rock bottom i still could not even contemplate doing such a thing!

This post is not to say that suicide is wrong but that does not mean that i think it is right. At the end of the day it is a choice, a conscious choice made by whoever does/did it. But what i find wrong is that scientists can claim that its a trend that can be followed in a 'click'. I think it is perhaps a potentially dangerous comment to make because it could influence a trend to begin because of it (if that makes any sense lol)

My dad's best friend killed himself a few years ago and my dad was devostated but his first thought was not to go kill himself cause his friend had?!

I find this news bulletin slightly hard to get my head it just me?

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