Monday 6 April 2009

Child abuse

I have been trying to follow the news a little better because i tend to have very little knowledege about what is going on in the world. And something i have read about a lot recently is a poor boy who had been beaten up by his mother's boyfriend....and eventually died from a brutal and fatal attack from him. He was stamped on that hard that it caused a certain organ (cant remember which one) to rupture on his spine and he proceeded to cough up blood for up to 48 hours before he was even taken to hospital where he later died! And this man has only got 10 years was through scottish courts and received a sentence which is equivalent to the english sentence of manslaughter rather than murder! It absolutely sickened me.....the coroner said that there were over 40 seperate accounts of injuries on this poor boys body. It makes me so sad to think what that poor boy went through in his very short life. I cant even begin to imagine how he felt and what he could have only wished for as a little boy. Perhaps even just a cuddle?! I find it shocking that they say that this monster who did this to him may only get six year in prison if he is on his "best behaviour". The court of justice just does not bring enough justice any more. I think sometimes capital punishment should come back, an eye for an eye, a life for a life?!

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