Monday 6 April 2009

Jade Goody Funeral

Her funeral was long awaited by the press, more pictures to sell more magazines and i hoped for a nice funeral that would be classy with some surprises because Jade was always full of them. And her funeral did exactly that with floral tributes such as a marmite pot!! It had a fantastic turn out and i hope she is resting in peace watching down on her sons wherever she might be. But i had a conversation with someone recently who lost a loved one recently in Iraq and he said that he whom he loved served, fighted and died and still was not acknowledged the way that Jade was and it saddened him because he thought he should have been as he was a fantastic man with a family waiting for him to come home. He did come home, but in a coffin, to be buried and his family are having to deal with the same things that Jade's are but they are not looked after and praised in the way that Jade's family is. I can see where he is coming from and agree with him. But i suppose that does not sell magazines though does it?!

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