Monday 6 April 2009

Jade Goody

I have always liked Jade from the moment she stepped into Big Brother. She irritated me like mad at times with how uneducated she was but that is what made her so funny because she really was as dumb as she made out. But she had knowledge on things that you just wouldn't expect. She certainly hit the nail on the head when she claimed she was like marmite - love her or hate her! lol

I was always pleased for her as she created a career for herself and would never begrudge her of it just because off her being a 'reality TV star' she made a name for herself and she played it and I can not blame the girl for it!

Recently though as I am sure EVERYONE knows she has suffered publicly with cancer and I cannot knock the woman for making cervical cancer more aware to ladies. The amount of people who have shrugged off having a smear test because of it being 'awkward' have been ringing up to get appointments!

I followed the news closely because I hoped and prayed for her and her boys sake that she would make a full recovery but unfortunately the cancer became terminal and she was living on borrowed time. And she was just waiting to die and I can not imagine how that must have felt knowing she would one day very soon never see her little boys again!

BUT I find it so disgusting and morally wrong that as much as we all knew she was going to die that a magazine decided to write an obituary and tribute to Jade before she had even died! It’s like me picking up my local paper and seeing mine in the paper.....considerate eh?!

Magazines all over jumped on the band wagon about Jade, they made plenty of money selling magazines slagging her off but when it suited (to sell more mags) they have sympathy for her!

I was almost speechless when I saw the magazine and could not believe that writers had the audacity to do such a thing! What does everyone else think?!

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