Monday 6 April 2009


I found this timeline to show how the recession has progressed and only worsened over the last year but i have to ask myself how come nobody saw this coming?! I notice when my bank account is overdrawn by the slightest penny and begin to panic so why did banks etc not take action sooner when things started to look slightly bad...i know i do not have particularly extensive knowledge on the recession because i have not been effected by it as much as others and havent really followed it as much as i maybe should or could have. But all i know is that everyone is blaming each other, no one is willing to own up to their own mistakes. Watching prices of food, petrol, gas and electric go up and wages not going up and infact in a lot of cases wages being lost through redundancy....people are on their knees with not many options to save themselves. People are trying to look for quick fixes by 'making up money' but this will not solve anything. It will only cause more problems in the long run because the made up money will have to be paid back to get things running smoothly again so it will just dig us a bigger hole and cause a bigger problem. I am not sure what should be done to be honest and i am not going to pretend like i do. But that G20 summit has achieved nothing....but it did cost us over £7 million in security .... and the rest! Nice one!! :)

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