Friday 24 April 2009

Reply to Mother being jailed for lying

Mother jailed for lying.

There have been so many opinions expressed on this story and I myself have numerous ones.
I can understand a mother's devostation finding out that her son had committed such an awful crime and wanting to shelter him from the conseqeunces yet i also disagree with her actions because if he was big enough and old enough to commit the crime he should face up to doing the time. But could a mother really stand and give damning evidence about her child knowing that it will seal his fate in jail?! I dont know if i could?

Perhaps her going to jail is her commumpence but i am not sure i find this as a really hard story to take one particular side of either right or wrong ??

Reply to Emma Watabiki Post on Childrens Tv Adverts
This is something that i have only recently encountered because i do not normally watch the childrens channels however since my step children have started visiting regularly i am obliged to watch such rubbish lol

But i noticed how there were so many more adverts between programmes than there are on normal channels and these children are being bombarded by toy after toy after toy and they are constantly asking for these new and wonderful gadgets that they have been convinced or brain washed into wanting!

It is awful having to tell them no but there is no way on this earth that you can possibly afford to keep buying such things. I understand that these companies need to make money but could they make it a little more subtle and less often because they are driving me insane!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Jack Tweed to remarry

Following on from the recent blogs that i have done about Jade i found this recent news article rather distasteful!

To hear that Jades mother only buried her daughter over a week ago and is already insisting that her son in law should re marry as he is only twenty one and has his whole life ahead of him. I can completely understand her point of view, but is now really the time to voice her opinion on the situation? Jade is barely even cold....???

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Parents as friends

This is a fantastic news article and the idea is ingenius!

Parents are always worried about what it is their children are up to on the internet yet everyone knows how much of a big brother regime there is on the social networks like 'facebook, myspace and twitter' etc. So I think it is a good idea for parents to join (even if they have no intention of using it) and become friends with their children. This way they will be more conscious about what they get up to on the network and probably wont get up to as much mischief as they would if they didnt have 'big mummy and daddy'.

However, i am sure there can be implications with this because there are ways to discretely message people without it being known to the whole world and most children have mobile phones too therefore it may not be so effective but it is worth a try?!


This link is to a news article about a woman who is thought to have been murdered by her husband. This is one of many cases where someone close who is considered as a loved one has committed such a brutal crime.

I find it quite scary in the fact that you may think you know someone but perhaps you are not even scratching at the surface?! I am sure this woman would not have married someone that she knew would later murder her for whatever his reasons may be.

Can you ever trust anybody with your life?

I see trust as a very big thing because without it there is going to be one hell of an insecure relationship. Constantly checking up on people, doubting things that have been said and accusations. Not what i would consider as a healthy lifestyle. But what exactly is trust? Is it we trust someone to not cheat? Trust them to lock the doors at night when you leave them to lock up at night? Trust them to not let you down and always have your back? I find humans when pushed into certain situations become primitive again and i think when it is a situation of either your neck or mine the majority would save their own.....does that mean that they are untrustworthy?

I read once (cant remember where) that humans actually are not very good at co habiting. They are very lone creatures and find it very hard to adapt to having to put up with one this man in question perhaps not so well adapted to this lifestyle and that is what made him flip? God only knows and i think it may be best that way....but my goodnes....humans are hard to understand?!

Monday 6 April 2009

Body modification

I cannot disagree with body modification, no matter what speculation there may be about it. I know that if i had the money and the guts to go for surgery i would. There are so many imperfections that i would love to correct. However, my mother says that what i see as imperfections make me 'me'. So are surgical body modifications wrong because they take away your individuality?

As for piercings and tattoos, i say each to their own! I have had my ears pierced so many times and a couple of other piercings and a tattoo which will become two soon when i decide what i want done next. I think unlike surgery these define a person, making them individual and expressing themselves.

I am sure people have very different opinions to my own?! :D


I recently read this article and was pondering whether i believe if it is true or not. I know that humans are very easily persuaded and many are followers because it is easier to follow than lead. But i have to ask myself, if a friend of mine killed themselves would i really do the same thing? They say that suicide is a cowards way out but my god i cannot agree with that for a second. It takes some guts, even when i have been what felt like rock bottom i still could not even contemplate doing such a thing!

This post is not to say that suicide is wrong but that does not mean that i think it is right. At the end of the day it is a choice, a conscious choice made by whoever does/did it. But what i find wrong is that scientists can claim that its a trend that can be followed in a 'click'. I think it is perhaps a potentially dangerous comment to make because it could influence a trend to begin because of it (if that makes any sense lol)

My dad's best friend killed himself a few years ago and my dad was devostated but his first thought was not to go kill himself cause his friend had?!

I find this news bulletin slightly hard to get my head it just me?

Jade Goody Funeral

Her funeral was long awaited by the press, more pictures to sell more magazines and i hoped for a nice funeral that would be classy with some surprises because Jade was always full of them. And her funeral did exactly that with floral tributes such as a marmite pot!! It had a fantastic turn out and i hope she is resting in peace watching down on her sons wherever she might be. But i had a conversation with someone recently who lost a loved one recently in Iraq and he said that he whom he loved served, fighted and died and still was not acknowledged the way that Jade was and it saddened him because he thought he should have been as he was a fantastic man with a family waiting for him to come home. He did come home, but in a coffin, to be buried and his family are having to deal with the same things that Jade's are but they are not looked after and praised in the way that Jade's family is. I can see where he is coming from and agree with him. But i suppose that does not sell magazines though does it?!

Jade Goody

I have always liked Jade from the moment she stepped into Big Brother. She irritated me like mad at times with how uneducated she was but that is what made her so funny because she really was as dumb as she made out. But she had knowledge on things that you just wouldn't expect. She certainly hit the nail on the head when she claimed she was like marmite - love her or hate her! lol

I was always pleased for her as she created a career for herself and would never begrudge her of it just because off her being a 'reality TV star' she made a name for herself and she played it and I can not blame the girl for it!

Recently though as I am sure EVERYONE knows she has suffered publicly with cancer and I cannot knock the woman for making cervical cancer more aware to ladies. The amount of people who have shrugged off having a smear test because of it being 'awkward' have been ringing up to get appointments!

I followed the news closely because I hoped and prayed for her and her boys sake that she would make a full recovery but unfortunately the cancer became terminal and she was living on borrowed time. And she was just waiting to die and I can not imagine how that must have felt knowing she would one day very soon never see her little boys again!

BUT I find it so disgusting and morally wrong that as much as we all knew she was going to die that a magazine decided to write an obituary and tribute to Jade before she had even died! It’s like me picking up my local paper and seeing mine in the paper.....considerate eh?!

Magazines all over jumped on the band wagon about Jade, they made plenty of money selling magazines slagging her off but when it suited (to sell more mags) they have sympathy for her!

I was almost speechless when I saw the magazine and could not believe that writers had the audacity to do such a thing! What does everyone else think?!


I must admit....i was totally taken aback when i saw the word sexting. I was knew it was a combination of sex and text but i did not realise that such innocent messages could be classed as this. I read up on the subject on this website and realised how common sexting is. I think there are some very innocent sexting going on but i know of a lot of people who use it a very provocative and perhaps unconventional way which i think most people would maybe cringe at. I had friends at school who sent all sorts of filthy messages to their boyfriends and pictures of alsorts of the anatomy and i thought it was awful....god forbid that your parents get hold of your phone and see the types of things you have been sending and receiving?! And to see the statistics of how many people go do the real thing after so many saucy text messages were shocking. Like i said i think that sexting generally probably is not really bad behaviour, a nice flirty text message wont hurt anyone. But if someone starts sending porn like texts i think its a bit .....hmmm naughty?! lol


I found this timeline to show how the recession has progressed and only worsened over the last year but i have to ask myself how come nobody saw this coming?! I notice when my bank account is overdrawn by the slightest penny and begin to panic so why did banks etc not take action sooner when things started to look slightly bad...i know i do not have particularly extensive knowledge on the recession because i have not been effected by it as much as others and havent really followed it as much as i maybe should or could have. But all i know is that everyone is blaming each other, no one is willing to own up to their own mistakes. Watching prices of food, petrol, gas and electric go up and wages not going up and infact in a lot of cases wages being lost through redundancy....people are on their knees with not many options to save themselves. People are trying to look for quick fixes by 'making up money' but this will not solve anything. It will only cause more problems in the long run because the made up money will have to be paid back to get things running smoothly again so it will just dig us a bigger hole and cause a bigger problem. I am not sure what should be done to be honest and i am not going to pretend like i do. But that G20 summit has achieved nothing....but it did cost us over £7 million in security .... and the rest! Nice one!! :)

Child abuse

I have been trying to follow the news a little better because i tend to have very little knowledege about what is going on in the world. And something i have read about a lot recently is a poor boy who had been beaten up by his mother's boyfriend....and eventually died from a brutal and fatal attack from him. He was stamped on that hard that it caused a certain organ (cant remember which one) to rupture on his spine and he proceeded to cough up blood for up to 48 hours before he was even taken to hospital where he later died! And this man has only got 10 years was through scottish courts and received a sentence which is equivalent to the english sentence of manslaughter rather than murder! It absolutely sickened me.....the coroner said that there were over 40 seperate accounts of injuries on this poor boys body. It makes me so sad to think what that poor boy went through in his very short life. I cant even begin to imagine how he felt and what he could have only wished for as a little boy. Perhaps even just a cuddle?! I find it shocking that they say that this monster who did this to him may only get six year in prison if he is on his "best behaviour". The court of justice just does not bring enough justice any more. I think sometimes capital punishment should come back, an eye for an eye, a life for a life?!