Wednesday 18 March 2009

Gas Prices

Since recently moving into my own place with my boyfriend i have taken on an awful amount of bills :(

We had set a realistic budget for each month and stuck to it perfectly until the gas bill came through.....we are currently in the process of switching from npower to e on and had the bill of what we had used during the 40 day period whilst with N Power and they charged us a very hefty sum of £150.43 which instantly i thought must have been a mistake.

So i rang the company up only to be told by some rude woman on the phone that if you use the gas you pay the price! So disgusted with her service i rang e on who i am due to be with shortly and explained the situation and they told me that with the units used they would have charged me no more than £85 for what we had used!

Now i understand that different people offer different prices, it is like the supermarkets constantly trying to compete with one another but how on earth can N Power condone charging me over £65 more than a different company for the same product?!

I would never ever reccommend N power as a supplier and am very pleased that i am with E on now :D

Thursday 12 March 2009

Knife hospital admissions down 8%
Some good news about Knife crime finally. Perhaps it is starting to sink in that killing or crucially wounding someone is not as amazing and 'big' as it was once thought. But then again i am a little bit pessimistic and think that they have probably moved onto something a bit more endangering such as guns.

I wish that crime would calm down and places would become a bit more civilised. I still remember the stories me grandma told me about how she could leave her front door unlocked and windows open at night and it was the norm, there was nothing to fear. Strange how society appears to have developed for the worst. Not quite sure why though?!


This is an interesting story following the constant reminder of the recession that we are in at the moment. I am sure this man was not feeling the pinch in such hard times. It is said that he should be sentenced for 150 years but there is no chance that it would ever happen, in fact he may only get a few months!! What a punishment eh?! I am sure that will really deter people from doing such things ever again. How on earth he thought he could get away with such a scandal, god only knows!!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Reply to Emma Watabiki Post on Red Nose Day
I have a few more points to add to this rant that Emma has had about Red Nose day. I agree that tramps are looked upon as awful people who are begging and most would walk on by and not think twice about donating any money to them, even if they are starving!

Yet Red Nose Day has a fantastic backing by celebrities of all kinds who ask us to be kind and donate money, even if its only £1! Yet something that bugs me is, these celebs earn so much god damn money, why dont they just give a million and it would save all us poor 'non celeb' people who are working hard to keep a roof over our heads at the moment because of the recession that looks like it is going to plummet into a depression at any point.

However, i see charity as a very uplifting thing to do. I like to donate to at least one child charity and one animal one a month. RSPCA and NSPCC and i feel thats my participation done.

But i do love watching the celebs make absolute fools out of themselves so perhaps it is worth the £1 i donated lol

Mother Jailed For 'Horrific' Cruelty To Son

I have followed this story since it emerged and it has made me cry on many occassions. I cannot imagine ever hurting a child with intent. To brutally attack them and make their lives a misery. People like this should be sterilised at birth to ensure that they cannot reproduce and cause harm to a vulnerable child who is solely dependent on their parents. I am glad that she has been jailed, and rightly so! Yet eight years imprisonment just doesnt do justice for that poor baby boy. This is when i wish there was still capital punishment, a life for a life! Especially when i know that she wont even serve the full sentence of eight years. Because like all other criminals, they are well behaved in prison!!!

This is yet another case of gun crime. It is awful to think that someone could go into a school and gun down innocent children for no real reason. The gunman was described to be an educated seventeen year old with a degree but still had the animosity to be able to do such a cruel and wretched thing! This along with knife crime is a terrible doing that is going on everyday all over the world. Perhaps rather than educating and preaching so much about sex and smoking some more lessons should be taught on the affects and the consequences of threatening crimes!?!

Tuesday 10 March 2009


This website i found particularly interesting about prostitution. It has talked about slavery being abolished over 200 years ago yet there are still slaves within the sex trade being forced to work as prostitutes. What a thrilling life to lead...its awful!! To have sex with someone for money when you are forced is unforgivable.
However, there are women and men who choose to go on the streets to earn themselves some money. Yet can it be seen as a choice if they have children and they need feeding? Is it as disgusting and demeaning if they are doing it for the good of their kids? To keep a roof over their heads and keep food in the cupboards?
I am not really sure what my opinion of this is....I can only try to imagine what situations some of these people must find themselves in to either be forced into it or having to as to survive.


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Ashley Cole arrested

Another fantastic example of drunkeness! The great affects it has on people. This lovely man decided to start hurling abuse at police officers and got himself arrested. But this is not only a case of drunkeness this is also about this man being an idol and a role model to many youths. He is a famous footballer and is married to a famous singer, young people think he has it all and he then does something like this which almost gives youths the 'thumbs up' to go and do the same. When wont these people realise that they are in the spotlight and everything they do is documented and implements the way people are growing up nowadays?!

This news article is about a woman who bit off her boyfriends tongue during a drunken kiss. She is now facing jail. How much do you have to drink for you to become so blotto that biting someone's tongue of is a good idea (let alone your own boyfriend's?!).

I think as much as everyone has a go at smokers, alcohol is a more dangerous drug abuse. It can cause liver problems, people drink drive, its addictive (proven to be more addictive than cigarettes) and it makes people act like absolute morons if they have too much. Maybe a bit more action should be done about stopping people drinking......Is there a non drinking day coming up at any time?!

Sex lessons for five year olds?!
What on earth is going on in the world for people to think that telling a five year old such intimate and shocking details on life will help avoid thirteen year old dads?!

I agree that there is much more detail needed within sex education to 'clue' kids up a bit better about the consequences. Such as pregnancy and disease. But i think that five is slightly drastic behaviour! I did not know anything at that age and didnt start to gain knowledge on such facts until i was about 10 or 11 which worked perfectly fine for me, as i have not been pregnant.

These teen parents are normally a case of a drunken fumble or just taking that risk hoping 'it wont happen to me' but unfortunately it does.

If you are willing to play with fire, expect to get burnt!

Non Smoking Day
I found this link on my homepage of the internet and slightly chuckled to myself. Another money making scheme for 'greater good'. All of the ways that people can quit smoking just because its non smoking day soon. To me it is so ludicrous, next we will have non chocolate day, and maybe eventually we can have a non breathing day. I have had enough of non smoking being crammed down my throat. Its a choice for gods sake, just as it is to eat chocolate (breathing isnt though lol) and to drink and to gamble and to cheat and to lie! They are all choices that we consciously make and if we wanted to stop smoking etc etc etc we would without there being a whole day revolving around it!!

Sunday 1 March 2009

Lying with integrity

I know that lying is bad yet everyone does it. From the tiny white lies to the big whoppers!! I have told lies in my life, to my parents in particular. :) But sometimes i think a lie is better than to tell the it just me? Obviously not, because then nobody would like would they?
I have not really told any big lies in my life i dont think (not that i recall). But i think there is also a fine line between telling a few porky pies to being a compulsive liar. I had a friend at school who would have the most amazing stories about what she had been up to every night and weekend and i was so envious of her life, but then i found out it was all billy bull **** and was questioning why she found the need to lie about it.
But on a funnier and naughtier note i told a little lie today, my mum was ringing the house phone and i claimed that i didnt hear it :) woops!! Never mind, the lie was for greater good i promise :)