Friday 27 February 2009

Teenage Parents

I find this one a very difficult subject as I do have a few friends that are in fact teenage parents and they are better parents than some 'adults' I know that have children. They provide for their children, they work or are in education to get that fantastic job so that their children can have the lifestyle that they deserve and crave. However, when watching the news the other day I could have died. I saw this boy sat on a hospital bed holding this baby that he was going to have to look after and provide for the rest of his life. I thought he only looked about eight years old so when they said he was thirteen I suppose that was a bonus lol But I just thought to myself what kind of life will the baby grow up to have but nevertheless, what on earth is the poor mother and father going to do. Will they continue in education or will they be yet another drop out who end up on the dole, struggling for survival. Then will the baby grow up and repeat the cycle that she has been brought up to know?? I don’t think it makes me angry, more upsetting than anything. My mum was a teenage mum (18) and she always told me as I was growing up that she would not have changed things for the world but there were things she couldn’t do because of the responsibilities of a baby. I know how irresponsible and childish I can still be at 20 so heaven knows what that boy at only 13 is going to be like. And that is if he evens sticks around because doubts are already setting in for the simple fact that he wants a DNA test. Kids are growing up far too fast, my thirteen year old brother’s shock me at times with what they know and what they get up to and I am not sure how and where they gain the knowledge.

Thursday 26 February 2009

Reply to Rachel Evans blog re infidelity

I totally agree with Rachel's outlook on infidelity. There have been numerous reports that in human nature we are just not made to be faithful. We are compared to other animals, like birds, tigers, cats, dogs etc etc etc and none of which are faithful to any one partner. They will be with and 'do' whoever takes their fancy. But that is completely frowned upon in human nature, as we are supposed to be the more refined and developed existence. The names branded upon people who are a bit happy go lucky with partners is unbelievably cruel at times. Normally the women get the most stick whereas the men tend to be seen as cool dudes lol

I personally have never cheated on anybody, don’t think I could as I am lame at lying and see a relationship as something to work at if there are problems or walk away if it gets that tough. No point sleeping around and still having to go home to someone you quite frankly can’t love all that much if you are cheating on them.

I find this such a hard thing to get my head round because as I have mentioned before, there is so much media about cheating, the celebs do it, it’s on the TV all the time and yet we still perceive it as a wrong doing.

Reply to Andrew Kirby Post on Smoking
I also have been a smoker for a long time, I started at twelve and I will admit that it probably was not the smartest move I ever made. I cannot blame anyone else for my smoking and never would try anyway. Smoking for eight years and can officially say that I am addicted and a grouchy git if I do not get my intake of nicotine :D

I agree with Andrew in the fact that yes there are health risks involved with smoking and there is no getting away from that, but like he mentions, it is not going to be so horrific that my parents should have to bury me. Like the fag packets say 'Smoking can cause a long and painful death' so I don’t think I have to worry about dying to quickly lol

As for having to smoke outside all the time, it seriously is annoying. We go on about equal rights and so on yet we are reduced to being sent out into the rain, snow and freezing cold just because of a certain habit that we have. I understand completely about the effects of passive smoking and agree that non smokers should not have to put up with such 'filth' because my partner is a non smoker and he detests me smoking in the car next to him (woopsy) but like Andrew said when there was smoking areas the non smokers could choose to passive smoke or not. I think things get taken completely out of context and too many legalities are pushed on to things that are not as important as some of the things the government should be focussing on.

Reply to Emma Watabiki Post

Emma has mentioned a website brought to her attention by Nicola claiming that there are certain genes that can affect people and the way that they behave. I agree with this as there are things such as ADHD which is a behavioural problem which needs medication to suppress the fits and to calm the person down. However, I think it is a slight cop out that a gene is what is the cause of anti social behaviour because you can definitely tell that the upbringing of a child and the way that there parents interact with them has an impact. If someone grows up seeing their parents smoking, doing drugs, drinking alcohol and stealing perhaps to feed their habits, it is more likely for the child to grow up and repeat the same life style and path. I think it is very hard though to pin point what is the cause of ALL anti-social behaviour because in some cases, children have had the best upbringing that they could possibly have with a private education, money, friends and something triggers in their life to make them go off the rails.


Infidelity is hard to describe because I think everyone has the temptation to cheat. Whether they choose to or not is a different matter. But it is always there subconsciously. It has become such a popular well known thing that there are even TV programmes based on such "bad" behaviour, for instance 'Mistresses'.

I have been cheated on and I know how crushing it is to your ego to have someone betray you but there are some people that have what is known as an 'open' relationship where they can sleep around with whom they want providing they are honest to their partner about it. Can this be classed as infidelity, because they have had permission??

Infidelity used to be a crime that could in extreme cases be punished by death. The family would be shamed and the social etiquette and shame that came from cheating was horrendous. Whereas now, most people laugh about it, think it is something fun and exciting to do and talk about. Has society developed in a good way or a bad way when it comes to infidelity?

Tuesday 17 February 2009


Shoplifting is common with people of all age. I remember when i was younger many of my friends used to do it, but i never had the guts to do it :) They said that the buzz was intense and they got to have things in their wardrobes and drawers that they could never afford and that their parents would never buy for them. They always said the risk was something that was entertaining because there was always the possibility of being caught. I have never shoplifted, i never had the guts and my parents would have killed me!! lol

Thursday 12 February 2009

Being Bad - Week 12

There are a number of topics that could be discussed within the lesson in week 12.
I have looked at the module guide to see which ones will have already been discussed and there are still a few that i think could be delved into:

1. Alcohol (Binge drinking)
2. Body Piercings
3. Violence

I think that these may be interesting to talk about in week 12.